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A high-power charger installation costs $5000 on average, Plugzio is 1/5 of that with 10 times the features & use-cases.
Yes this may seem ‘#TooGoodToBeTrue’ but our pricing is well aligned with our mission which is to be 'the path of least resistance when it comes to electric mobility charging’ so going electric will be an obvious next choice for you
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Quotes & Vendors
Case Study - Scalability
Client: Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada
Number of EV spaces added: 43 Plugzio enabled EV parking spaces added
Final cost of the installation with Plugzio: Less than $55,000 including a new transformer
That is less than $1,300 per space. In comparison, a Level 2 charging solution would have costed $6,600 per space, about 5 times more expensive compared with Plugzio. It is obvious that there is not enough power to feed the 43 power hungry chargers individually so the client would have to opt-in for an even more costly load-balanced level 2 solution.
What about the return on investment (ROI)?
Your ROI depends on how much you decide to surcharge the device users. Read more about the ways Plugzio platform allows you to charge for usage.
Average ROI for Plugzio is within a year after the installation.
Is Plugzio included in any government incentives?
Yes, California as always is leading the charge with a $4 Million US Dollar fund to support low-power electric vehicle charging in apartments. Many more states are following suit, contact us to learn more.
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